Holyoke Auto Sales

1607 Northampton St
Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 532 - 5100


Thank you for visiting our new and improved website! Auto Sale Center Inc. is a family run business for over 50 years. We specialize in locating the vehicle of your choice, this process allows the customer to purchase the car or truck they desire instead of feeling the pressure of buying what is on the lot. We have a complete line of services to help our customers with all aspects of car buying. We offer in house local credit union financing with rates as low as  2.49%  We offer a full array of extended warranties and also have a new addition which allows us to offer a full reconditioning service to our customers. We now offer full mechanical services as well, to all of our customers. Please feel free to browse our website which is updated daily, or visit our beautiful indoor showroom. Thank you and best of luck in your journey.

Awarded Small Business of the Year from the Holyoke Chamber of Commerce!!!



Holyoke Auto Sales

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Holyoke auto sales, holyoke car dealers, used cars, Volvo, Saab, CUDL, Financing Available, Western Mass